This is exactly the kind of worst-case scenario Tony helps customers prepare for. And until you’re ready to go ahead and pay for any specific insurance products, the service he provides to help you figure out your needs is free.
None of us likes to think about things going wrong. And none of us likes to think about paying for something we may never need. But the harsh reality is life doesn’t always go to plan. And being ready with the right insurance could help you and your family avoid extra stress and upheaval at a difficult time.
When Tony talks to customers, he covers three key areas.
1. Mortgage protection
If something happens to you or your partner, you could find yourselves suddenly struggling to pay the mortgage, which could have dire consequences including having to move house.
Tony says, “You might have to move to a smaller place in a new area. Your kids would have to change school, make new friends. But mortgage protection could give you what you need to pay the shortfall and stay in your home. Critical illness cover could also help with this by giving you a lump sum should you fall seriously ill.”
2. Income protection
See our slippery kerb, serious injury example above. This could apply if you work for a firm or are self-employed.
3. Family protection
We won’t sugar coat it, this one’s about death. Your death. Should the absolute worst happen, it would obviously be an extremely distressing time for your family. What if they had to worry about money as well?
Tony says, “While we can never help with the emotional side of something so tragic, we could at least help you get the right cover in place. Getting some form of life cover could help ensure your family is paid a regular income in the event of your death, keeping them debt-free and financially secure.”