Help and support

Customers in vulnerable situations


Who are customers in vulnerable situations?

Customers in vulnerable situations are defined by the FCA as someone who, due to their personal circumstances, is especially susceptible to harm, particularly when a firm is not acting with appropriate levels of care.

How do I identify a customer in a vulnerable situation?

It is important that you look for indicators, probe and ask about vulnerabilities that might be relevant to ensure we give the customer the most appropriate support available.

There are 3 key ways you may identify that a customer is experiencing a vulnerable situation which are outlined below:

  1. Customer disclosure.
  2. Red flags which you need to look for.
  3. Customer support needs which you need to be aware of.

What is Banking My Way?

Does your customer need additional support with banking because their circumstances have changed? For example, they may have had a change to their finances or have been diagnosed with a serious illness.

Banking My Way is a free service that allows customers to record information about the support or adjustments they need to make banking easier.

The Banking My Way service is available to customers aged 16 or over in the mobile app or Online Banking. 

How can I let you know about support they need?

Where the customer already banks with us, we ask that they let us know as soon as they can.

If the customer is new to NatWest they need to contact us once their mortgage has completed.

They can do this in a variety of ways:

Accessibility services to help with customers' day to day banking

We're always looking to improve our services to support our customers with their day to day banking. You can find a range of information and details of the different ways we can help on our accessibility page.

Accessibility tools and services